Notes on the Intersection of Art and Science

Curated by Tjioe Meyer-Hecken

Exhibition: 09.06 - 28.09.2022

Artists: Acte, Nils Blau, Julian Charriere, Aiken Cura, Abie Franklin, Fragmentin, Soundwalk Collective, Andreas Greiner, Simon Heijdens, Daniel Hoelzl, Eike Koenig, Lucija Krizmann, Jakob Kukula, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Martin Nothhelfer, Quayola and Halveig Villand

The Wehrmuehle is a historic site in the middle of a planned UNESCO nature reserve titled "Human and Biosphere. "Art and science are interdependent at Art Biesenthal 2022. Both are products of human ingenuity, imagination, awe, serendipity, and skill. The line between artistic and scientific practices has become so blurry that artists increasingly find themselves in the realm of science. To seek art in science or science in art?

What does this co-dependency in the discourse of contemporary art entail; what does it imply given the ever-growing "postmodern" lack (and need) of coherence and comprehensibility? How and to what extent does scientific evolution (such as digitization) shape our understanding and definition of art? Could an excessive transdisciplinary approach to the scientific realm jeopardize art as a medium of cognitive, perceptual, or emotional experience?

These are some of the questions that guide Art Biesenthal's 2022 edition. Running from July 9 through August 28, the exhibition explores the work of 20 artists whose work makes visible and fosters the relationship between visual arts and science in its various branches ranging from biology, geology, geophysics, botany, neurology, gender studies, optics, digital technology, robotics, etc. Whether approaching their work as a scientist or calling upon collaborations with specific fields of science, all of Art Biesenthal's artists adopt scientific methods, experiment with new technologies, or challenge existing theories to suit their vision. Their work invites reflection on human subjectivity (underlying the act of creation) as opposed to, parallel to, or in dialogue with scientific objectivity (governing facts about the natural world.

"To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci

Throughout their oeuvre, Julius von Bismarck and Julian Charrière question what role perception plays in science and art. The artist collective Fragmentin, on the other hand, "questions the impact of the digital on everyday life by investigating these technologies" disposition towards control and opacity." Jakob Kudsk Steensen's work revolves around widely unexplored natural phenomena through collaborations with biologists, composers, and writers.

Text by Tjioe Meyer-Hecken


