Aura's Present Decay, unfolds as an ambitious art exhibition and summer program at the Wehrmuehle Museum in Brandenburg. Going beyond a mere celebration of diverse array of artistic mediums and expression, the project embodies a holistic strategy, that encompasses sustainability, community engagement, and cultural enrichment.

Running from July 6 to August 25, the exhibition delves into the ephemeral nature of art, the passing of time, and the evolving aura. Artists contribute to a discourse exploring the temporal, prompting viewers to strip away transitory aspects in order to arrive at the essence of present. Viewing extends to the defining of aura, resonance, and experience in artistic expression. The curated artworks exist, serving as products of past processes and ongoing sources of viewer perception. Some processes that leave only documentation as traces. The exhibition invites creative mediation with nature, encouraging a reconsideration of public and private participation.
